Our Vision
At Grange view we let our light shine, always sparkle and strive to achieve our God given potential.
Let your light shine brightly before others.
Our Mission/aims
- To provide a stimulating and secure environment, inclusive of children from all faiths and cultures.
- To provide an engaging, meaningful and relevant curriculum that equips all learners with the necessary skills for their educational journey.
- To value all individuals and support them to reach full potential and create an atmosphere of equal opportunity where expectations are high.
- To grow caring citizens who value the world we live in and celebrate moments of awe and wonder.
- To offer opportunities for collective reflections and inspire spiritual development that shape daily lives.
- To help the children to form values which will allow them to make moral choices throughout their lives, not just during their school years.
- To work in partnership between home, school, church and the wider community.
Our Ethos/Values
The children are living a Christian life where they aim to flourish and thrive, thinking about our core Christian Values; Friendship, Trust, Forgiveness, Respect and Wisdom to become lifelong learners.
- We aim to Sparkle