Please keep checking our weekly newsletter which contains dates for diaries to know what's happening in school up to the end of term, thank you.
Please keep checking our weekly newsletter which contains dates for diaries to know what's happening in school up to the end of term, thank you.
Grange View C.E. Primary School

Willow Class

Willow Class is our mixed Year 3 and 4 class.

The class is taught by Mrs Chapman with the  assistance of Miss Bell. 

Important dates:

Tuesday - PE day

Wednesday - swimming day 

Thursday - reading books changed and forest school

Friday - spellings and library 

Welcome to Willow Class 2024- 2025

Tuesday 24th September - ALNWICK CASTLE. 

To begin the children learnt about all the defensive features of a Barbican. They split into England and Scotland and tried to storm the castle. After this they did threre activities throughout the day; exploring the sttae rooms where the Percy Family live, learning about the history and defensive features of the castle and having fun ihn the knight's and dragon's quest - learning  about medival life. 

Friday 27th September - EUROPEAN LANGUAGES DAY

Each year we celebrate EDL focussing on a different European country each time. Following on from this year's olympics in Paris we looked at France. During the day the children learnt about the country, it's traditions and customs. They learnt a tradiitonal French dance and tasted a range of french cuisine. They listened to a animated traditional tale in french and played a snap game to practice thier numbers to 10. 

Friday 22nd November - Sunderland Glass Centre

To enhance our 'Feel the Force' topic this term, the children travelled to Sunderland Glass Centre. Prior to going, they learnt in Geography about it's location and heritage producing glass and talked to a local glass artist to build knowledge of how art work can be created using glass. In the morning, they completed a range of science experiments based around reversible and irreversible changes. Before lunch they watched a wonderful glass blowing demonstration and the spent the afternoon designing and making their own fused glass tile.