Intent for Science
Our teaching of science for all children is to develop a curiosity and interest in the subject during their time with us and beyond. It is about developing and challenging children’s scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the different disciplines. Science teaches children to have care and concern for living and non-living things and promotes curiosity about the world they live in.
Through the Programme of Study for Science in the National Curriculum, children will develop knowledge, concepts, skills and a positive attitude, supported through engaging outdoor learning opportunities. Working scientifically is developed throughout their time at Grange View as they progress through each year group, building on their enquiry skills and subject knowledge. By developing these skills it allows them to have greater independence in planning and carrying out fair tests. These tests will allow children to explain concepts using scientific language, build arguments and ask questions showing curiosity about the world. We believe every child can flourish and is encouraged to strive for success.