Please keep checking our weekly newsletter which contains dates for diaries to know what's happening in school up to the end of term, thank you.
Please keep checking our weekly newsletter which contains dates for diaries to know what's happening in school up to the end of term, thank you.
Grange View C.E. Primary School


Here at Grange View, we are committed to ensuring that children, staff and our school community stay safe in the digital world.The safety of our children is of paramount importance to the school and something that we monitor and revisit regularly.

The internet is a fantastic place overflowing with knowledge, games and communities of people and, just like pupils across the country, the pupils at Grange View spend a great deal of time using the internet within school and at home. This is why it is important pupils at Grange View learn how to be safe browsing online and becoming members of online communities.

 In school, we have regular 'e-safety' activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online. The children learn about e-safety through a scheme of lessons along with assemblies and workshops with parents,. We also use a range of specially prepared electronic resources these include watching the SMART crew videos throughout all ages as well as reading Digital Duck in Early Years , watching the Animal Magic Cartoon  in KS1 and Jigsaw video in KS2 both created by Ceop. Additionally we participate in  safer internet day each year (usually in February) when the children create posters and act out e-safety scenarios to raise their awareness for staying safe online. Throughout the year, each class uses the project evolve resources to support circle time and class discussions regarding all elements of digital literacy. 

In school, we have robust monitoring systems in place to ensure children are safe online and will not encounter any inappropriate content,. Sites will often be air dropped to the children or pre approved to ensure they have the intended curriculum intention, on occasions pupils may google search themselves for a given purpose however this is still restricted withing the school, filtering systems. With regards to interactions online, the children do not access any sites with chat facilities, when on TTRS they may will compete against each other but at no point is there a communicating  option.

At home, sometimes children can be given unsupervised access to the internet. This, potentiality allows them to access all kinds of society (both good and bad) and bring them virtually into their homes. We know that parents and carers will also be very concerned that their children are protected and safe when using the internet, both in school and at home,. We have added some posters in the gallery and download section their contain some useful tips to help you keep your children safe online.

As a reliable point of reference please check out this website for useful articles on digital parenting and keeping them safe when using social media such as snapchat and instagram. 

E-safety concerns:

If you have any e-safety concerns (for example, if your child has been a victim of cyber bullying or inappropriate behaviour on the internet) they can be brought to the designated e-safety officers Mrs Chapman and Mrs Laskey through the school office.

Follow the link to access the latest online safety update ONLINE SAFETY LINK