Summer Week 12 - WB: 13/07/2020

Monday: Today we thought it would be great to have fun with photography like we did earlier in lockdown and the school year. Where is the most extreme place you could enjoy a book and be reading, or where is your favourite place to read?  We would love to see you reading in some unusual or exciting places. If you haven’t already done so, please follow the link to sign up .
Tuesday: Butterflies are such a pretty addition to the garden during the summer – as the Big Butterfly Count approaches next week, why not entice them into your garden with a butterfly feeder, there are lots of lovely examples on you tube – but we liked this one the best.

Wednesday: Let’s keep our fingers crossed for lovely weather over the summer holidays. With that in mind, why not design or make yourself a pair of snazzy sunglasses. What colours, patterns and features would you include?
Thursday: A great way to keep cool and hydrated during the summer is to use a fantastic fan. Why not make your own one to use in the garden, the simplest way is adding a lollypop stick or folding paper. I wonder how snazzy you can make yours look.