School Council

The school council meets every other Friday to discuss school issues and help make Grange View a better place. 



 We aim to develop proactive and compassionate leaders with the following aims:

  • Be a voice for the pupils - ensuring their opinions are heard and acted upon 
  • Discuss important matters as a democracy
  • Making a difference to charities by organising fundraising events 
  • To choose a termly focus to make a different to the wider world 
  • To increase independence and confidence in our school councilors through increased responsibilities 


Welcome to this year's school councillors
Projects and discussions LAST YEAR
- Choosing ways to save the planet as a termly focus
- Ways to improve the playground
- Choosing signs and equipment for the yard 
- Deciding school events for Children in Need and Comic Relief
- Suggesting ways to help those less fortunate 
- Organising choices for the new Hobbit Hut 
- Choosing meal choices for school dinners 
Last Year's mission:
We are always trying to be courageous advocates and take action to try and care greater for God's Green Earth. Each term we have had a different focus such as recycling, turning lights off and walking to school more. This term every class had a turn each week to use the litter pickers to endeavour to improve our local environment. Here are our super stars in action.